Waiting By The Shore


The boat left the shore line,

One last time.

I assure you when it left everything was fine.

The sun was on the horizon giving it’s morning shine.

The perfect day, it seemed,

As my eyes gazed to you.

Staring in the distance.

When the boat disappeared too soon,

Too soon…tears flickered in your eyes.

Not ready for what happened next,

Something snapping in your mind.

You came back every day to wait,

Sitting on the shiny sea side.

As time passed you started admiring,

The seashells by your feet.

Making jewelry out of simple beauty,

You sold them by the shore,



Hope you all enjoyed this Stream of Consciousness apart of LindaGHills Saturday event. Here is a link  


Click the link and take part of the fun event, the prompts are simple yet effective this weeks prompt got me thinking of tongue twisters. It is a load of fun and you get to see other people take part and share their result at well.